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Detox cure:these things to know before starting!

What are the benefits of a detox cure?

Just like the engines, the body gradually clogs up. Every day, it accumulates toxins and waste resulting from different factors (food, drugs, pollution, tobacco, etc.). In the long run, this phenomenon causes fatigue, the weakening of several organs (liver, kidneys, etc.) and various ailments (irritability, depression, insomnia, etc.). Doing a detox cure is the ideal solution to remedy this. In addition to purifying the body, this treatment brings many benefits:

  • It stimulates cell renewal;
  • It gives energy;
  • It contributes to the well-being of the skin;
  • It improves the quality of sleep;
  • It helps to eat healthier.

Detox cure:these rules to follow for it to be really effective!

There are several varieties of detox cure. Whatever type of detox you're interested in, follow a few rules to get the best results. In practice, you should:

  • Avoid or limit the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and industrial drinks;
  • Reduce sugar, fat and salt intake;
  • Reduce dairy consumption;
  • Exercise regularly to stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation;
  • Favor natural, healthy and nutritious foods (especially fruits and vegetables);
  • Drink water regularly.

Which detox to choose?

To purify your body in depth, you have the choice between "solid" detox cures and "liquid" detox cures. The first option is to eat only solid foods that promote the elimination of toxins and waste products . As for the second, you will have understood it, you only consume liquid food during the cure.

There are two main types of solid detoxes, namely:

  • The mono diet:it consists of eating only one food for several days (apple, grape, cherry, peach, carrot…);
  • The NRM method:it consists of consuming mainly fruits, vegetables, salads, smoothies and soups.

If you opt for liquid detox cures, you can choose one of the following categories:

  • The fruit and vegetable juice cure:it consists of consuming only fruit and vegetable juices for a fixed period;
  • Fasting:it is applied in different ways, but the results remain the same (either you do not eat any food or you drink only water for a certain period of time).


– Dietox:the juice cure that reprograms your body

– Lose weight:9 detox water recipes to really purify your body