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Well-being:food supplements to consume in winter for an Olympic form!

Winter, a complicated season to live for our body

The lowest temperatures, the cold wind and the lack of sun, the winter is sometimes difficult to pass. It can be complicated to maintain a good diet and a sporting activity (who wants to go running in - 3 degrees?) and we generally prefer to stay warm under a blanket without moving. As a result, we may experience feelings of low energy, transient depression , weight gain or repeated episodes of colds, flu or other ailments unique to the winter period that can take us weeks to recover.

If you don't control the weather or the length of the day's sunshine, you have control over how you supplement your diet to boost your body in winter.

Take care of yourself with food supplements

You've gotten into the habit of pampering your hair , your hands or the skin of your face by adapting yourroutine to the harshness of these months. But what happens inside your body during the winter can be just as important as the care you apply externally. The nutrients help your body function normally and protect it from threats like germs. Ideally, you should get your nutrients from the foods you eat; however, it is often complicated to cover our needs in full. And this is where food supplements come into play to give our body a boost.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is the essential nutrient we lack the most in winter. Due to reduced sunlight caused by shorter days, our bodies naturally produce less vitamin D. This deficiency impairs bone health, our immunity, makes the skin dry and is responsible for our mood swings. Few foods in nature contain vitamin D (fish, dairy products and mushrooms but in small amounts) making them food supplements the easiest way to improve your intake in vitamin D.


As the sun sets earlier, your internal clock is disturbed. To help maintain restful sleep and balance hormone levels, try supplementing with zinc.

Zinc deficiency affects skin health and overall immunity. Taken as a supplement, it helps prevent the adhesion of viruses to the nasal walls and is involved in the production of antibodies, an important process of the immune system .

Vitamin B

B vitamins are a group of 8 vitamins sometimes referred to as "anti-stress vitamins" because they are essential for fighting the effects of stress . They are used to create the feel-good neurotransmitters responsible for maintaining a positive mood as well as for a healthy nervous system.
The role of vitamin B12 in particular, could help us during the colder months to help those who suffer from feelings of anxiety, depression or the seasonal winter blues . It is found almost exclusively in animal protein sources, so vegetarians are at risk of a deficiency and should therefore consume it all the more as a supplement.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C can't prevent you from getting colds, but it can reduce their severity. This is because vitamin C strengthens the immune system of your body that it is advisable to fill it up. Vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables, so if you're more into steak/mash than a plate of vegetables, we recommend a little cure.


If you feel tired , finding that your extremities tend to be cold, brittle nails, or you face headaches, you may be low on iron. You can also prepare beans, lentils, or red meat to provide your body with a little more iron.

Food supplements:some precautions

There is no need to take the same dietary supplements continuously throughout the year. The body might get used to it and many benefits would become nil. Instead, carry out a cure twice a year for 1 to 3 months , when the seasons change. Obviously, food supplements are not trivial and the request for a medical opinion is strongly recommended before starting to take a new supplement. Our health is precious and there is no question of playing the sorcerer's apprentice.

Turn the tide by introducing small capsules this season that will boost your immune health, metabolism and more. A sort of “Winter Survival Kit.” »

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Winter:5 tips you absolutely need to know to better fight the cold

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