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World Menstrual Hygiene Day:how to choose clean products?

Launched 4 years ago, World Menstrual Hygiene Day, which takes place every May 28 (28/05 as 28 days of a cycle and 5 for the average duration in days of menstruation), is an opportunity perfect for talking about hygienic protection and taking stock of the "clean" possibilities that exist, whether for the body or the planet (or both!). Exit tampons and pads containing toxic ingredients, and welcome 100% cotton and/or organic pads. Today, many brands offer this kind of products, healthier for the body, since they are made only of cotton, organic if possible. And they are as effective as “classic” protections. However, to find them, you have to turn to specialized brands, such as Cora, My Holi, Lunapads, Dans Ma Culotte or Jho. With the Cotton Comfort range, Tampax had already taken a step towards cleaner protection by offering Oeko-Tex certified tampons and pads. Nett goes even further by being the first supermarket brand to launch a range of 100% organic cotton tampons, in addition to its 100% cotton range. What encourages other brands of sanitary protection to do the same?

Protections good for our planet

If you want to go even further and combine the healthy for the body with the good for the planet, there are other possibilities. One thinks in particular of the cup, this small funnel which is put in the place of a buffer and which is reusable since it is enough to empty the accumulated blood and to sterilize it so that it can be used again. And there are still other reusable protections, such as washable pads, a small piece of fabric that we attach to our panties with a press stud and that just needs to be washed by hand once used. In the same style, there are also menstrual panties, which replace our panties during menstruation, which are reinforced at the crotch to absorb the flow. But there is still a limit to these solutions, that of the price. To be able to afford non-disposable protection, the cost is quite substantial:it takes a minimum of €20 for menstrual panties and €10 for 3 washable pads (knowing that several are needed to quietly cover the menstrual period ). However, we tested and we are convinced:the investment is worth it!

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