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Water and lemon:a dangerous detox remedy for teeth

Lovers of detox cures will not say the opposite, drinking hot water with lemon early in the morning has certain benefits:detoxify the body, boost energy with vitamin C, purify the urinary system, balance the blood pH level, stimulate the immune system… The list is not exhaustive, but here we are, English dentists warn against a dietary habit which, practiced regularly, could end up destroying the teeth. The guilty ? The acidity of the drink is dangerous in the long term for tooth enamel.

The group of dentists who put the kibosh on this detox cure are part of the British Dental Association. According to specialists, the combination of high water temperature with the acidity of lemon creates a dangerous combination that promotes dental erosion. Dr. Nigel Carter, dentist interviewed by the Daily Mail explains:"The problem is that if taken regularly, the acidity of this drink removes the enamel from the surface of the teeth". The possible damage to the teeth does not stop there. Mixing in the morning can also cause stains and discoloration of teeth. Not very reassuring…

Don't panic though. Just limit your intake and, if you really can't live without it, drink your miracle elixir through a straw.