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Go from an 85B to 105F without surgery, we tell you how!

We thought we had seen everything, but each new day brings us its share of incredible (and sometimes aberrant) inventions. For the novelty of the day, it is the morning show "Good Morning America" ​​on the American television channel ABC that teaches us:we can make our breasts swell temporarily. This crazy idea comes to us from the United States and is signed by Doctor Norman Rowe.

From one day to several weeks

For the moment, the doctor already offers "InstaBreast", a solution he created to inflate the breast for 24 hours. This injection, which lasts 20 minutes, costs 2,500 dollars (just over 2,000 euros). An investment as costly as it is useless. And to push the stupidity even further, the creator wants to launch his novelty called "Breasts for the holidays". The goal:to inject a product to increase the volume of our breasts for a period of two to three weeks. With the name, you will have understood it, it is mainly aimed at vacation departures to allow women to strut on the beach with big breasts (Because that is obviously the main thing in life!)

Dr. Rowe also believes that it is a good way to allow women to enlarge their breasts so that they can test before deciding if they really want permanent breast implants. But Norman Rowe doesn't stop there as he imagines taking his creation to the male world to be used as a calf muscle implant for men (Sounds so cool and not painful at all…)

And the risks?

Because if Norman Rowe praises the merits of an imposing chest, he does not talk about the risks. And it was his colleague Jennifer Ashton who wanted to warn women of the significant risks of such an intervention. For example, it is possible that the injection touches a blood vessel and there are many risks of infection.

The new formula developed by Doctor Rowe is awaiting the approval of the Food and Drug Administration which will take two years to be issued or not. It is hoped that during this time someone will realize the dangers of bringing such a product to market.