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7 foam roller exercises you absolutely want to try

Do you regularly suffer from muscle pain or tension in your body? Then you definitely want to try these 7 foam roller exercises!

Do you already have a foam roller at home? If not, you should definitely get one. A foam roller can help to recover your muscles after exercise, but also to relieve the tension on your muscles after a day at your desk. You should definitely try these 7 exercises, each for a different muscle group. Trust us, your muscles will thank you!

Read also: ‘3 reasons to train your flexibility‘

For your calves

Tight calf muscles and limited ankle mobility can greatly affect your movements. By targeting your calf muscles with the foam roller, you can roll off the tension and improve your ankle stability. This prevents injuries and improves your sports performance. It is best to do this exercise early in the morning to prevent stiffness in your ankles or at the end of the day to get the blood flowing again after a day of sitting.

How to do it: Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you and your hands on the floor. Place the foam roller under your calves and bend your left knee so that you can rest your left ankle on your right leg. Slowly roll over the back of your right leg, from your knees to your ankles. Repeat on the other side.

For your hamstrings

Using the foam roller on your hamstrings can loosen your thigh and improve your hip mobility. This puts less stress on your lower back. Have you been sitting at a desk all day? Then do this exercise as soon as you get home. It also helps to reduce muscle soreness after an intense leg workout.

How to do it: Sit with your right leg on the foam roller, bend your left knee and keep your hands on the floor behind you. Roll back and forth from your knee to just below your buttocks. Switch legs and repeat the exercise.

For your thigh muscles

Your thigh muscles are a very tense muscle group with several layers of muscle. Tapping this area with a foam roller will make your knee more flexible and put less stress on your kneecap. It also helps with your hip mobility and reduces tension on your thigh. Do this exercise before a workout to improve your performance or after to reduce muscle soreness.

How to do it :Lie face down on the floor and place the foam roller under your hips. Now roll back and forth from your hips to your knees.

For your back

Back pain is common, but luckily foam rolling can immediately ease that pain. There is a lot of connective tissue in your lower back that surrounds your muscles that are attached to your spine, called the thoracolumbar fascia. Using the foam roller on this tissue activates your muscles and relieves tension. This exercise is best done after sitting all day to prevent stiffness and pain in your lower back.

How to do it :Sit on the floor with the foam roller against your lower back and keep your hands behind your head. Tighten your abs and slowly bend your knees to roll the roller up your back to just below your shoulder blades. Roll it back down and repeat the movement.

For your outer thighs

Women have a wider pelvis and therefore there is often more tension on the outside of our thighs. The foam roller can solve this problem. This not only makes your thighs feel more flexible, it also takes the tension off your hip and/or knee. Try this exercise before a workout to improve mobility in your thighs.

How to do it :Lie on your right side and place the foam roller under your right hip. Place your right hand on the floor, directly under your shoulder. Tighten your abs and glutes to maintain balance and use your right arm to slowly roll back and forth from your right hip to your right knee. Switch to the other side and repeat the exercise with your left leg.

For your shoulders and your side

Many people carry their stress with them in the upper part of their backs and shoulders. Hard pressure on your pressure points causes less tension in your muscles and less sensitivity. By using your body weight on the foam roller, the tension in the pressure points is released automatically. You can do this exercise any time of the day!

How to do it :Lie on your right side with the foam roller under the right side of your chest. Extend your right arm out in front of you on the floor, extend your right leg out on the floor, and bend your left leg out in front of you on the floor. Gently roll back and forth until the foam roller touches your right shoulder. Switch sides and repeat the movement.

For your buttocks

Your glutes are the largest muscle group in your body and are made up of several layers. Many people have trouble activating these muscles. Foam rolling makes your muscles more flexible and gives your hips more freedom of movement, but you can also activate your glutes. Foam rolling helps to stimulate blood circulation, which can work to your advantage during daily activities such as climbing stairs, but also during sports.

How to do it :Sit on the foam roller, cross your right leg over your left knee and shift your weight to your left hip. Place your left hand on the floor to support yourself and slowly roll over your left buttock. Switch sides and repeat the movement.